
Why we can’t move on from FASD diagnosis

Why we can’t move on from FASD diagnosis

Today, I spoke with the mother of a young man with FASD, who described the immense challenges he faces due to his impulsivity. She shared the ongoing struggle to get professionals to grasp the real risks he faces, particularly since his outward presentation is intelligent and articulate. To keep him safe, his mother remains constantly vigilant—a reality her son understands and accepts, with a level of insight that is, frankly, remarkable.

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FASD awareness in the child and family sector: ACWA conference

FASD awareness in the child and family sector: ACWA conference

In June 2024, I had the opportunity to present a poster at the Association of Children’s Welfare Agencies (ACWA) conference in Sydney, focusing on how child and family welfare workers can play a vital role in supporting children with FASD and their families. In this blog post, I’ll provide a snapshot of some key aspects of FASD and highlight the important role our workforce can play in improving outcomes.

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NDIS Planning Tips for Children with FASD

NDIS Planning Tips for Children with FASD

Supporting children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) through the NDIS can be challenging. I’ve compiled some practical tips for families and support coordinators to create effective plans and choose the most targeted supports.

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Why I take FASD training to the NT

Why I take FASD training to the NT

Occasionally, I am asked why I provide FASD training in the Northern Territory, despite residing in Melbourne. It's a valid question, and the answer involves a backstory that I'd like to share with you. Please note that this narrative is rather lengthy, so feel free...

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Being a FASD detective – connecting brain and behaviour

Being a FASD detective – connecting brain and behaviour

If you sometimes feel that you have no idea why your child is behaving a certain way, you are not alone. This week, I talked to Carmel, a kinship carer who was struggling to make sense of Sophie’s behaviour. Carmel felt tired and frustrated. Was Sophie being lazy, or did she want Carmel to wash her hair for her? Maybe, thought Carmel, Sophie just doesn’t care about hygiene. Why else would she do this night after night?

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Top 5 FASD resources for parents and carers

Top 5 FASD resources for parents and carers

“What is going to help my child with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder?” is one of the most common questions I’m asked in my work with families. Here are my top 5 resources for parents and carers who are at the start of their child’s FASD journey.

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FASD Parenting: 3 essential steps

FASD Parenting: 3 essential steps

If your child has been diagnosed with FASD, you might be wondering, “What now?” Here are three practical steps to help you better understand and support your child moving forward.

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